Title: Footprints In The Sand
Author: Michelle Horst
Release Date: June 15th, 2015

He is all I think and dream about. My teenage heart beats only for him. Until he becomes part of my worst nightmare... Now, I avoid him. I ban every thought of him.
(This is a stand alone novel. It is written from both Lacey and Seth's point of view.) WARNING: This book has violence, sexual scenes and language in it. It is recommended for 18+ only. If you suffer from any triggers, do not read this book.
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Amazon FR - http://www.amazon.fr/Footprints-Sand-English-Michelle-Horst-ebook/dp/B00YLJ5R4A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433524592&sr=8-1&keywords=footprints+in+the+sand+michelle+horst
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School’s been out for a week already and I have not seen Seth once. I must be the only one who hates summer break, well, me and my best friend Natalie. She has to go visit her father every summer. I’m so bored when she’s not around. There’s not much to do in a RV so I spend most of my time at the beach.
I don’t bother with shoes, as they will only fill with sand. I love to feel the sand beneath my feet. I grab a book and weave my way through the RVs, in the direction of the beach. I love listening to the sound of the waves rolling in and lapping against the shore, while getting lost in a good book. Maybe that can take my mind of Seth for a short while. All these emotions for him can be overwhelming at times.
My chest expands with excitement as I get closer to Seth’s RV. As I’m about to walk by, I slow in the hopes of getting a glimpse of him. I’m almost past his RV when the door opens. Hope spikes in my chest only to be deflated when Mr. Brody steps out onto the small patch of green grass between the street and the RV.
“Morning, Lacey,” he calls out to me. “You’re up early. No sleeping in during break?”
I giggle nervously, “Just like going to the beach, Mr. Brody.”
“You take care out there. You’ve heard about the girls going missing? We wouldn’t want you to be one of them.”
I nod and quickly continue down the street. A few girls have gone missing. I don’t know any of them, just seen posters up everywhere and seen it on the news.
I find a spot close to the dock, where I have some shade to sit in. I dig my butt deep into the sand and rest my book on my knees. Soon I’m lost in the pages. Every time the sun starts to climb up my legs, I scoot along the dock, after the shade. I’m so caught up in my book that I don’t even notice other people arriving, until a ball slams hard into the book, causing it to slam into my face. I drop my book and grab the ball so I can throw it back.
“Aww … shit! You’re so white I didn’t even see you over there,” a boy calls out. I scowl up, catching the glare of the sun and have to squint to see who the jerk is. I recognize Hayden. He completes the trio with Seth and Marcus. I quickly glance around the strip of beach and feel elated when I spot Seth walking towards us. He’s wearing shorts and is shirtless, and it’s showing off a lot of muscles and skin. Oh, my gosh! I can stare at him all day long. He’s so handsome! I wonder what it would feel like to touch his chest.
“Girl,” Hayden whistles just as Seth reaches us. Hayden bursts out laughing and my eyes dart back to him. He waves a hand over the length of me, “who the hell wears jeans to the beach? You’re so fucking white I need sunglasses so I don’t burn my eyes just looking at you.”
Embarrassment flashes hot through me and I feel my cheeks warming. It’s safe to say I now hate Hayden Roberts.
Before I can say something in my defense, Seth steps forward. “Hey, back off, man. What she ever do
to you?”
Hayden lets out a bark of laughter. “The mouse almost scorched my fucking eyes out.” He steps up to me and throws his arm around my shoulder. “I tell you what, Mouse.” He wags his eyebrows suggestively. “How about you get out of all of that,” he waves over my body and I feel my neck and cheeks flush hotter than before, “and then we’ll see if that blush colors your whole body.” I shove him away and bend to pick up my book. “Such a pity, it sure looks like you have a fine ass.” Another bark of laughter is all it takes from Hayden to make my temper explode.
I swing around and the corner of the book clips Hayden’s cheek. Stunned I watch as he grabs his face and roars with pain. “Bitch! What the fuck man?”
Seth steps between us, but not before I see the red welt and tiny drop of blood on Hayden’s cheek. Hayden is going to be so pissed! I’m not sticking around to see what he does. I take off running home, not sparing either boy another glance.
Only when I reach our RV do I dare to peek down the street. No one followed me. I let out a huff of air. “Stupid jerk!” I lash out as I open the door. “The one time I get to see Seth and Hayden has to ruin it!” I fill a glass with water and drink it standing by the sink, and then I remember that Seth stood up for me.
“EEEEEP!” I shriek and start to jump up and down. “He freaking stood up for me! Twice! Oh, my gosh! I’m going to die!” I fall back on the couch and stare at the ceiling, but all I see is Seth.
Michelle Horst is thirty seven years old and is from the land of milk and honey. She's been in love with reading from an early age. She has a passion for other cultures, but she has an ultimate soft spot for nature and animals. She first tried her hand at writing in early 2009 and as the first words started to form into a book, she knew she was hooked. Dreams spilled onto pages, and that was the beginning of a wonderful journey. One filled with joy. One filled with passion and heart stopping moments. But most of all, it's filled with such pride and peace as a story comes to life, and characters fill your life, living in the very walls of your mind, living in the minds of your readers. There is nothing as satisfying as that. Thank you for each and every story you share with me. Sunshine
Smiles from around the world and back,Michelle ;).
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