When his strained relationship with his father causes Cal to leave the Hunters, a series of events is set in motion that causes him to discover secrets about himself, his family, and his future that he could never have imagined. In the midst of trying to decipher the pieces left from this chaos, Cal reconnects with Gabrielle Morgan, the only girl he’s ever loved, after a nearly seven year estrangement.
But Cal is Chosen – and that has far reaching ramifications, not only on himself but on those he loves as well. When Cal is faced with the ultimate deception, he begins to realize that he will need to choose where his loyalties, and his love, lie…and the seduction of darkness is almost overwhelmingly alluring…
Jennifer spends her days working a full-time job, running her three kids helter-skelter all over creation, picking up her husband's socks (WHY. ARE. THEY. EVERYWHERE?!), hiding her QVC purchases from said husband, and being stalked by her pug.
In a nut shell, she is a: coffee addict, pug owner, former nail biter, constant hair color changer, mother/chauffeur/maid/indentured servant, wife, writer.
Not necessarily in that order...oh, who is she kidding? Coffee always comes first.
She's an author of paranormal romance and contemporary romance, although historical or fantasy novels aren't out of the question either. She's got ideas. Maybe someday she'll have the time, too. She is obsessed – BEYOND OBSESSED - with Supernatural, Outlander, Grimm, Survivorman, and reality TV competition shows.
She loves the color purple. She believes in boys with big hearts and smart mouths and the girls who love them. Life and love isn't always easy or happy but she still believes in Happy Ever After.
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