Tuesday, 30 December 2014

*BLOG TOUR* The Syrian Virgin by Zack Love

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Title: The Syrian Virgin

Author: Zack Love

Genre: Contemporary Fiction and Political/Interracial Romance

Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs by Cassy Roop



Anissa is traumatized by the most brutal conflict of the 21st Century: the Syrian Civil War. In 2012, Islamists in Homs terrorize a Syrian-Christian community and destroy everything that a young woman holds dear. Narrowly escaping death, Anissa restarts her devastated life as a college student in NY. She is bewildered and lost -- a virgin in every sense.

But despite her inexperience with men and life in the United States, Anissa is quickly drawn to two powerful individuals: Michael Kassab, the Syrian-American leader working to found the first Mideast Christian state, and Julien Morales, her Columbia University professor who runs a $20 billion hedge fund.

Complicating matters, Michael is still attached to his ex-girlfriend and Julien is the most sought after bachelor in Manhattan (and has hidden demons even his therapist can't extract). Anissa's heart and her communal ties pull her in different directions, as she seeks hope and renewal in a dark world.

WARNING: This book is about a young woman's difficult journey: her escape from Syria's Civil War, her transition to a new a country, and the relationships that she forms along the way, including her romantic interests in two very different men. The story is set against the backdrop of the Syrian Civil War and makes reference to violent acts, sometimes in detail. There is some occasional profanity and a few scenes that depict sexual intimacy. Accordingly, the recommended minimum age for readers is 16. The novel might be compared to books like "The Diary of Anne Frank" or "The Kite Runner."

Syrian Virgin_ecover

We were peacefully rallying for our cause, when some strangers accosted me and started to debate us. But then it became clear that they didn’t really want to debate as much as harass . One of them then spat on me and tore up my sign, and then, as I was wiping off his spit from my face, I saw the placard in Michael’s left hand fall to the grass, as his right hand closed into an angry fist. Then I saw his clenched hand barrel thunderously from his side until it landed smack on the nose of the giant guy who had spat on me. I actually heard the thud of the impact, and the man just collapsed to the ground from the force of Michael’s blow. He was out cold.

“Come on, shitheads – who’s next?!” Michael shouted at the first two counter- protestors, gesturing them to step up for a fight. By then, their entire group had gathered around, so Michael was even more outnumbered. But his dangerous rage was palpable – as if he alone could destroy everyone there. More of our protesters also started showing up, after hearing or seeing the commotion. But they weren’t needed in the end. The counter-protestors there raised their hands in surrender and backed away in fear of this large man who just knocked out an even larger man with a single punch. “OK, OK, take it easy. We’re leaving,” they said.

“Apologize to her. Now!” he boomed, ready to rip them to shreds. The first two protesters looked at me meekly.

“We’re sorry… We’re sorry, ma’am, that our friend got out of hand.”

“Yeah, he shouldn’t have done that.”

“Now get the fuck out of here!” Michael commanded. “It’s cool, dude, we’re leaving,” one of them said, as the two of them picked up their dazed comrade with a bloody and probably broken nose, and left the area with him stumbling between them...

I went over to Michael and very conspicuously put my arm around his waist. I then pulled him in for a long and intense kiss, as if our future together depended on it. After a few minutes, we finally came up for air, and my face felt flush with impatient passion.

“Let’s go back,” I said.

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About The Author

Zack Love graduated from Harvard College, where he studied mostly literature, psychology, philosophy, and film. After college, he moved to New York City and took a corporate consulting job that had absolutely nothing to do with his studies. The attacks of September 11, 2001 inspired him to write a novelette titled “The Doorman” and heightened his interest in the Middle East. A decade later, that interest extended to the Syrian Civil War, which provided the backdrop for his latest work. In late 2013, Zack began releasing his unpublished works of fiction and became a full-time author. He has published comedy, psychological and philosophical fiction, and romance. Zack enjoys confining himself to one genre about as much as he likes trying to sum up his existence in one paragraph.

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*RELEASE BLITZ* Captivated by Perri Forrest

London Tanner's day just went from bad to worse.
She's fresh off the weekend and shows up to the job that she loves, and has dedicated herself to for the past 12 years. In the middle of checking emails, and preparing to begin her day, Carter Hampton enters her office space and requests her presence in his office. Once there, she finds herself on the other end of accusations of fraud that she firmly denies. After arguing her point for what seems like forever, she soon hears the words, "Today is your last day”, pour from his mouth.
Defeated and broken, London decides to drop a bomb of her own, prior to her departure. Having had the last word, she leaves the building in tears and with her final paycheck in hand. With nowhere else to turn, she heads to the arms of the only person she knows can love her past the devastation of the moment.
It's no secret that London's boyfriend Brandon wants her to move to Southern California to begin a life with him, and now that she has no job to return to, she can do just that. However, as London prepares to leave the old life behind and enter a new phase, the unexpected occurs...they want her back.
Reluctantly, she takes them up on their offer. She still has unfinished business with the company she's given her all to—having been with the company since she was eighteen, it's the only job she knows. However, London soon finds out that it's not just the company that wants her back, but the very person to crush her world in the first place.
Carter Hampton reenters her life. It’s not like she didn’t notice before, but now even more so…He’s charismatic, attractive, and extremely wealthy.
London tries to hold on to the contempt she feels for Carter, but it isn't long before she finds that it isn't an emotional hold she can separate herself from. As he settles deeper and deeper into her heart, the feelings can no longer be denied. She has to face the fact, and stop running from what she has been fighting to believe for so long...that she is Captivated by the very thought of him.
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(Links to be added)
 London was in deep thought. She was shaken. She still felt Carter’s hands, his lips, and her 
willing participation. Why was she even entertaining thoughts of this person who almost allowed another person to tear her world down? Why the attraction? She was supposed to hate him! He was as guilty as Annie, if not more. He held the power! The way he spoke to her that day rang in her ear. She shrunk against herself remembering how she felt—the humiliation, the tears, the emotion. The trip to San Diego where she couldn’t immediately give herself over to Brandon because of the hurt she felt. She was on autopilot. She was hot and she was bothered and there was no quick fix in sight. Since she and Brandon had parted ways, she had no one on radar to put her out of her misery. Her vibrator was a good source, but somehow with hours left to get through the day, she didn’t think it would help. That was way too many hours off. There was a rising urge coming from between her legs that wouldn’t go away no matter how tightly she gripped her thighs together. It was unbearable. It had total control over her thought process, as well as her actions. When London found herself headed back up the elevators and toward Mercedes, the lie fell from her lips so easily, it surprised even her. “Hi again, Mercedes,” she said. She wore a nervous smile. “Can you please ring Carter for me? I forgot an item on the agenda that’s of the utmost importance.” “Of course.” Four minutes later, Carter appeared in the area behind reception and signaled towards London to come to his office.Once they were inside, he appeared slightly nervous, and stood near the door running his hand through his short, dark waves. “What…did you come back to rip me a new one?” London didn’t immediately respond. Instead, she walked to the bar and poured a double shot of Vodka. She tipped the glass upward, allowing the warmth to flow through to her chest. “Whoa!” he exclaimed. “You might wanna slow down, London. I don’t stock the cheap stuff.” Still no response. She boldly sized him up as she poured another shot. Suave and fucking debonair, Carter Hampton. Why do I want you in a way that I know I shouldn’t? Carter crossed his arms across his chest as he watched London take down her shot. She replaced her glass on the bar’s surface. “Should I pour me one too and join the party? Will this entire exchange be one-sided? How much of this do you—” “Lock the door...” London instructed. His eyes got wide for a brief second as though he had heard her incorrectly. “Lock the door…” she repeated. Doing as he was told, Carter turned around slowly to adjust the lock, then turned back in her direction. Once the door was secure, with no chance of surprise interruptions, she asked: “Are you coming?” Everything from there happened quickly because she feared that she would come to her senses and leave without getting what she came for. Down the corridor, past his office, was something that she hadn’t even expected—a fully furnished bedroom, with big screen television, small stereo system, full bathroom, and king sized bed. “Don’t get shy on me now, Carter. Come here. This is what you wanted, right?” She unzipped the side of her dress and allowed it to fall to the ground of his bedroom floor. “I mean the way you look at me,” she said, removing her matching bra and panty set. “The way you kissed me not too long ago…” She walked toward him and removed his blazer, tie and all the other blockages. When she pulled down his boxer briefs, she nodded in approval. “Yes, even better than I expected,” she said stroking his protruding manhood. She stepped back from where he stood and moved to the center of his bed ready to receive him, “This is what you want, right?” It was what he wanted, and without a second thought Carter made his move. Face first, he wasted no time going straight to dessert where he teased, licked, sucked, and devoured every inch of her sweetness. Her cove met his mouth with frenzied thrusts as she lost herself in the thrill of him. It was only once her cries simmered that she realized she was coming down from a high—the most intense orgasm she had ever had the pleasure of. Around them both, the room became eerily quiet. And although she resided in the realm of euphoria, the reality of what happened hit her like a ton of bricks. Her body was thankful. Her mind was racing.
Perri Forrest was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and raised in sunny California. She describes herself 
as a trilogy---a Businesswoman who navigates through Corporate America flawlessly from 
Human Resources to Project Management, a Sociologist with a burning desire to save the world, 
and an Author who loves writing life into fiction.
When Perri suffered the devastating loss of her first cousin on her birthday, in 2006, with a few 
months left to complete her undergraduate studies, she barely made it through. A good friend not 
only suggested that she begin blogging to journal her moods and thoughts, that same friend 
gifted her with a newly designed blog platform, which birthed her first e-journal. 
The blog opened a whole new world for Perri and served as a place she could express candidly, 
about life. When her blog was discovered and she began receiving compliments on not just her 
candor, but on her writing style as well, it fueled the fire, and thoughts of penning a novel 
The lingering doubts of, "Who would even want to read your work?" were replaced with, "Worry 
about an audience later, and just do it." 
And that she did.
Perri writes what she likes to call, "Multicultural Mayhem, laced with Sex, Cursing, Sass and the 
Occasional Happily Ever After." 
Perri plans to perfect her craft and delve into other genres, down the line. With "Amazon 
bestselling author," added to her list of credits, Perri is in the writing game for the long haul and 
has no intentions of putting down her pen any time soon.
Follow Perri Forrest 
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*COVER REVEAL* Bound by Lora Ann

Cover Reveal Bound: Strand Brothers Series, Book 2
LA Bound Amazon ebook cover
When submission, love, and something far too terrifying bind.
How far will you go for someone you love? Which lines are you willing to cross? Who will you turn to when the ones that should be there for you aren't?
Lacey Kincaid is in search of her drug addicted, twin sister, Keeley. But every time she locates her, Keeley moves on. Now Keeley has disappeared without a trace and it's up to Lacey to find her before it's too late.
Even (pronounced Evan) a.k.a. E Strand is the youngest of three and by far the most dangerous. No, he isn't a badass like his oldest brother, Nik. Nor is he the most handsome like his brother, Alex. His danger lies in his personal preferences in the bedroom. Many know him as the Master and it is a title he deserves. Owner of numerous sex clubs as well as instructor of BDSM Even is fulfilled, until the night a dancer at one of his clubs catches his eye. She's innocent. Beautiful. Off limits. Yet he wants her for his own.
It doesn't take long for E to realize the woman he desires to dominate needs his help. As their journey to find Keeley runs into one dead-end after another, passion ignites between these two. But is it enough to bind them together forever? Or, will the bond between sisters keep the lovers apart? Can they free Keeley from the clutches of a madman in time? And if they do, will happily ever after be in their future?
Due to violence, language, & sexual content this book is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.
Bound teaser
Excerpt 18+
Lacey began to walk towards the bus stop when I grabbed her arm firmly and hauled her to a waiting Range Rover. She looked up at me in shock. “What are you doing?” “Shut up and get in,” I growled. In a mood like I was in, I had seen grown men nearly piss their pants. This woman stepped closer and spat out, “Don’t order me around.” “Are you shittin’ me? After the stunt you just pulled, I should take you over my knee and paddle your sweet ass. Now, do as I say,” I demanded. Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t actually do that, would you?” “Sweetness.” I barked out a humorless laugh. “The only reason I won’t is because you aren’t mine. But mark my words; I won’t hesitate whether or not you are mine if you ever do something that irresponsible again.” “I thought I could handle it.” She took a step backwards as her lip began to tremble. “Ha! You thought wrong,” I pointed out. That was when she climbed into the SUV of her own accord, but she wouldn’t look at me. I gave my driver the go ahead to take us back to my place. I’d be damned if she spent the night away from me. Part of me didn’t trust her. The other, wanted to ensure her safety at all costs. Unsure of which one was stronger, I inquired, “Are you hungry?” She shook her head, still refusing to turn towards me. Hell no. I leaned over and gently cupped her chin, bringing her face to mine. I was surprised to discover her eyes were bright red, tears still flowing. That particular sight did something to me. Filled with a need to comfort, I undid my seatbelt and hers. I pulled her onto my lap and offered, “My shoulder is right here. Go ahead and let it all out.” She buried her face against my neck and did just that. After a few more minutes, she pulled back as she wiped her eyes. “I didn’t know,” she admitted. “I never would’ve gone there if I had.” Tenderly, I stroked her cheek. “I figured that out after I railed at you. I’m—” “You were right,” she interrupted before I could finish apologizing. Something I didn’t normally do. She continued, “It was beyond stupid. If it weren’t for you…Well, we both know what would’ve happened.” I wasn’t fully convinced she did comprehend what those assholes were about to do. Even though I didn’t want to give her nightmares, she needed to know at least some of it. “Those men didn’t just plan to gang rape you, Lacey. They were pimps. You would’ve gone to the highest bidder.” Her head bowed. I reached underneath and gently lifted her chin, so our eyes met. “Promise me, never again.” She attempted a nod. Not good enough. “Say the words,” I commanded. I watched the tip of her pink tongue as it ran along her lips, before she answered, “Never again will I go to such a place without you.” “And?” I persuaded. She swallowed and replied, “I promise.” “Good,” I acknowledged, before I leaned forward and brushed my lips against hers. Damn, she was so sweet. I knew I needed to stop, but then she opened to me on a moan. My resistance snapped as I devoured her mouth with mine, staking a claim I didn’t want. Yet, there was no denying that was exactly what I had just done. Mine, a feral part of me growled as I continued to take without apology. She was the first to pull away. Her breath staggered as she confessed, “I want you.” “You should stay away from me,” I growled. “I know. But I need your help to find Keeley.” I closed my eyes to break the connection between us. As if that were even possible. The fire continued to blaze between our bodies, so I eased her off my lap. After I redid our seatbelts, I spoke, “You have my word. I’ll help you.” Before I could finish, she professed, “But that can’t happen again. We can only be friends.” “Right.” I smiled self-deprecatingly. “No matter how much I want to fuck you.” She took in sharp breath as her eyes darkened with desire. I could’ve had her then and there. I knew it. She knew it. But that would only complicate things. So I held out my hand to shake hers. Once she placed her hand in mine, I declared, “I won’t act on my desires.” In deep concentration she bit her lip, and then answered, “Agreed.” How the hell I thought I would pull that off, I had no idea. Though I knew I had to try—for her sake, and mine.
Add Bound to your TBR here.
Some choices are simple, some are hard, and some leave a brand.
One unforgettable night at a masquerade changes it all.
Mogul Nik Strand is all too familiar with the curve balls life likes to throw. Believing his soul can never be restored, he covers his pain and heartbreak with money. The more the better—as his heart is nothing but ice.
Aimee Taylor makes a decision that will haunt her forever. Unfortunately life doesn’t come with a do over; therefore, she makes the best out of what she has.
An unforeseen circumstance brings these two together again, even though, neither can explain how or why the other seems so familiar. As love tries to heal this wounded couple, a common adversary seeks to destroy.
Due to strong language, sexual content, and violence, this is book is intended for 18+.
Branded (Strand Brothers Series, book 1) is available at:
Amazon http://amzn.to/10Jf2P4 Amazon UK http://amzn.to/1uNx68s
B&N http://tinyurl.com/khz8rsk
Kobo http://tinyurl.com/lhcbntp
Smashwords http://tinyurl.com/kp3mr72
Author Bio
Lora is a Missouri native who relocated to California as a teen. She spent several years as an international flight attendant for a major airline, before taking on her greatest job ever, a stay-at-home mom. Now she resides in Kentucky with her family, and has taken on her newest adventure, writing.
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Stalking links:
Website Twitter Facebook Google + Pinterst tsū Goodreads author Amazon Author Page

Monday, 29 December 2014

*BLOG TOUR* One Dom To Love by Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob and Isabella LaPearl

OneDomToLoveBTBanner OneDomToLoveCover
Raine Kendall has been in love with her boss, Macen Hammerman, for years. Determined to make the man notice that she’s a grown woman with desires and needs, she pours out her heart and offers her body to him—only to be crushingly rejected. But when his friend, very single, very sexy Liam O’Neill watches the other Dom refuse to act on his obvious feelings for Raine, he resolves to step in and do whatever it takes to help Hammer find happiness again, even rousing his friend’s possessive instincts by making the girl a proposition too tempting to refuse. But he never imagines that he’ll end up falling for her himself.
Hammer has buried his lust for Raine for years. After rescuing the budding runaway from an alley behind his exclusive BDSM Dungeon, he has come to covet the pretty submissive. But tragedy has taught him that he can never be what she needs. So he watches over her while struggling to keep his distance. Liam’s crafty plan blindsides Hammer, especially when he sees how determined his friend is to possess Raine for his own. Hammer isn’t ready to give the lovely submissive over to any other Dom, but can he heal from his past and fight for her? Or will he lose Raine if she truly gives herself—heart, body, and soul—to Liam?
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About Author


You know what they say about curiosity and the cat...but if you still want to know, read below. Shayla Black (aka Shelley Bradley) is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 40 sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances produced via traditional, small press, independent, and audio publishing. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her "free" time, she enjoys reality TV, reading and listening to an eclectic blend of music. Shayla's books have been translated in about a dozen languages. She has also received or been nominated for The Passionate Plume, The Holt Medallion, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Reader's Choice Awards. RT Bookclub has twice nominated her for Best Erotic Romance of the year, as well as awarded her several Top Picks, and a KISS Hero Award. A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every new book.


Bestselling Author Jenna Jacob's erotic romance comes from the heart of submission. With over twenty years experience in the dynamics of the BDSM lifestyle, Jenna strives to portray Dominance and submission with a passionate and comprehensive voice. Her stories will make you laugh, cry, and may leave you with a better understanding of the fulfillment found in the BDSM power exchange. A married mom of four grown children, Jenna and her husband lives in Kansas. Her passions include her family, reading, camping, cooking, music, and riding Harleys. She loves to make people laugh with her outgoing and warped sense of humor. If you're looking for hot romance with a kinky twist, pick up one of Jenna's books


My name is Isabella and I am a new Author of Erotic Fiction. I have recently published two short stories, one a stand-alone "Connexions" and the other is the first book in a series called The Quickening and is entitled "Scandalous." The next two in the series, will be coming out in 2013 and are called "Momentum" and "Geminus" respectively. December 4th 2012 was a WOW day of biblical proportions for me personally. My first novel was published, entitled "One Dom to Love" co-written by Best Selling New York Times Author, Shayla Black and by Author Jenna Jacob. I can't even begin to express how privileged and thrilled I was to work with both these wonderful, incredible women, and how proud I am to call them friends. "One Dom to Love" is the first book in The Doms of her Life series and for those chomping at the bit already after finishing this book, you'll be delighted to know that Book 2 is currently being written.
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Sunday, 28 December 2014

*RELEASE BLITZ* Initiate Me by Elle Raven

Title: Initiate Me
Author: Elle Raven
Series: Barossa Series, Book 2
Release Date: December 27, 2014
Genre: Erotic Romance

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One dominant alpha male.
One innocent bewitching woman.
Equals one explosive attraction.

Mia Brunetti is far too busy with her studies to worry about having a man in her life. Growing up with three unruly and overprotective brothers has made her wary of men in general. That goes double if he's your brother’s best friend.

For years, Mia has worshipped Zane Mitchell and has avoided him and hidden her heart behind a wall. She has waited her entire life for Zane to see her as more than her brother's little sister. Now that she’s old enough to stake her claim on him, she’s pulling out all the sexual stops.

Zane has sworn off all women…until innocent Mia catches his attention. He is a devastatingly, masculine male who makes Mia's imagination go wild, but Zane has desires that would send innocent Mia running. The recently injured ex-cop is now working for the Brunetti family empire. As part of Mia's internship, Mia's brothers have placed her under Zane's wing. He is more than willing to take Mia up on her offer. The fun and games tie them both up in knots. Mia isn’t willing to settle for less than the whole package. But dominant Zane, even though the sexy country girl sets his blood ablaze, is determined to resist her efforts to protect his battered heart and her from his needs.

*BLOG TOUR* White Knight Dom Academy by Lucian Bane

White Knight Dom Academy
a Dom Wars Continuation
Bestselling Romance Author Lucian Bane
December 26, 2014
Lucian and Tara may have won Dom Wars and the Million--two, in fact--but they didn't realize they'd be the reigning Mr. and Mrs. Dildo USA.
As the new "Faces" of the large adult-toy company, they're required to train at least five couples within five years, in the art of Dominance and submission. In addition to selling X amount of Gladiator toys.
Only problem is, Gramma isn't leaving Maplewood, Missouri, which means they'll have to conduct Undercover Operation-Kink in Tara's stuck-up, religious hometown, without getting caught and having the entire family thrown out.
But two million dollars is two million dollars, and Lucian and Tara didn't come all this way to forfeit everything they sacrificed. So, the plan is to Dom and sub up, find a way to pull this kink-heist off, and collect their winnings. And with the help of his good friend Steve, he's sure they can manage anything.
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Lucian's Bio
Welcome to my world
My name is Lucian Bane and I’ve heard from many that I’m the odd one out. But really, I I’m just a Husband, an Author, and a Christian Dom. Ah, maybe that’s the one that makes everybody pause. Oxymoron? Not at all.
As an author, I like to write stories—paranormal erotica and contemporary erotica—about men who honor, cherish, and protect the women they love. But more importantly, I also attempt to make these stories a reality for couples everywhere by teaching them in the form of fiction how to add heat and passion to marriages and relationships that might not have it. Teach them how to build life-long commitments that form strong families, like I have with my own beautiful wife.
I think there are many men like myself, and I hope my writing will be a map for them. A map for women as well, to teach them how to bring out the Dom that exists within the men they call boyfriend or husband.
As young men, our inner Doms need a master to train them. I once bowed to my inner Dom's reckless and tireless desires, but when I gave myself to God and conformed my will to His, the transformation made me into what I am today. What many would call an Ineffable Dom. But its equal term in the Vanilla world, in my opinion, is simply a real man.
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Links to find more about Lucian and his books
wedding dress teaser
Lucian has 2 other series out
Dom Wars which is complete and Ruin his paranormal series, you can find them both here on Amazon.
WKDA Shower
Ever wonder what goes through Lucian's head? You can Ask Him Here.
Steves wife tease

*BOOK BLITZ* Shattered Dreams by Brenda Kennedy

TITLE : Shattered Dreams
AUTHOR : Brenda Kennedy
GENRE : Soft Romance
RELEASE DATE : December 15, 2014


Emma Greyson, Age 22, Has a loving husband, Max, and a newborn son, James. She is finally living her dream, until fate steps in and shatters everything.

Trying to deal with the death of her husband and learning how to be a single mom, Emma decides to move from Fort Drum, New York, back to her hometown of Sarasota, Florida.

Four years later, Emma has a fresh start with a new job and new friends. She meets an attractive doctor, Alec Collins. Taking things slowly, she is happy with the way things are going until fate steps in again and reveals the ugly truth of Alec's past.

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First and foremost I am a wife, mother and grandmother.

I am also a nurse and a new author.  

I moved to sunny Florida in 2006 and never looked back. I love fresh squeezed lemonade, crushed ice, teacups, wineglasses, non-franchise restaurants, ice cream cones, boating, picnics, cookouts, throwing parties, lace, white wine, mojitos, strawberry margaritas, white linen tablecloths, fresh flowers and Pinterest. I also love to read and write and to spend time with my family. My books thus far, have been inspired by the things I love and the people who influence me, every single day to be a better person.