Sunday 7 July 2019

~*COVER REVEAL*~ Falling for his Badass by Jessika Klide

Cover reveal
Title: FALLING for his BADASS
Author: Jessika Klide
Release Date: 2 October
Genre: Romance
#JessikaKlide #Alpha #Military #Security #ComingSoon #Amazon #Romance #iBooks #Kobo #Nook
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ADD to GR:
Lizzy has terrible luck with men.
It’s not that she doesn’t attract good guys, she does. It’s that she attracts “decent” men. According to her best friend Tara, “decent” men don’t mistreat their women, and Lizzy’s idea of “decent” men don’t deserve her.
Rebounding from her last bout of ‘I’ve been dumped again’ depression, Lizzy decides she’s not going to settle for the good guys any longer. If she’s going to find an all-consuming, reckless kinda love that deserves her, she’s going to have to attract a bad man. Not a bad seed, but a bad boy. She’s going to have to go after the kind of man that pushes her panic button.
Little does she know her trip into the city with Tara is going to test her new determination to love dangerously, or not love at all.
Little does she know, that the hot AF wall of a man who knocks her down is the kind of dude that elicits fear.
Little does Lizzy know, what she really wants is his Badass.

About the Author:

Everyone has secrets!

Jessika Klide is my pen name. I'm from LA ... Lower Alabama. The Deep South. My mind is extremely sensuous, some call that slutty, so it's just better to use a pen name. Trust me on this! ;)

I believe lust and love form perfect unions and the stars do align for true love.

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