Thursday, 18 October 2018

~*BLOG TOUR & REVIEW*~ Throw The Key by Christine BarfKnecht

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Psychological Suspense
Date Published: 10/06/18

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 "Lock the doors and windows...don't talk to anyone...keep the kids with you."

Jenna Bradley knows she needs to be afraid, she just doesn't know what she should be afraid of. An evening phone call from her husband, Eric, rattles her to the core. "I'm coming to get you and the kids. We have to go away for a while."

No explanation, just a few orders laced in panic.

Jenna can only assume that as a reporter, Eric has exposed the wrong people. It’s only a guess. The distance between them grows every day, Eric living his life, Jenna living hers. She doesn’t know what he’s been working on any more than she knows where he went that morning. If only the gunmen holding her and her children hostage believed that.

Eric has the answers Jenna seeks, but when the engine of his private plane stalls over Lake Michigan, his desperation to get home and whisk his family to safety takes a back seat to a seemingly futile struggle to survive.  

Federal inmate, Kurt McElroy has answers too, but heavy prison monitoring prevents him from sending a clear warning, not to mention getting the help he needs. The private prison he’s been contracted to is as corrupt as they come, but that corruption reaches beyond the prison walls to officials with everything to lose. 

Jenna fears it's her family that will lose, namely their lives. The clock is ticking. The gunmen are growing restless. Can she find an escape before it's too late?

3 Stars

The blurb for this looked so good, so promising, and for the most part, it was. I mean, the story was descriptive, well thought out and pretty chilling which are all such good qualities to have in psychological thriller but it wasn’t the best. 

I’m not sure the title of the book matches it’s contents but cover is a pretty good fit and is eye catching on different levels. The story itself seems too unrealistic for me. With psychological thriller’s I want there to be a truth to the whole thing and there’s just wasn’t. Okay, the plane crash and the talk between Eric and control tower? Perfection. But the Basanite Prison? No. I’ve seen enough prison documentaries to know this. And what happened at Jenna’s house? Natalie and her husband? The kids? No. I found I rolled my eyes a lot. I also got a tiny bit bit by 51% but still persevered. I’m glad I did because the ending was really good. 

I LOVE this author’s writing style. It’s descriptive and so you find yourself imagining your in the story which is superb; you need that in this genre. 

I liked the characters, especially clever little 7-year-old Emma. I wish my almost 7 year old was as smart as her. Such a clever little chapter to write up and Jack was a typical toddler making racket and being adorable. I liked Jenna and investigative skills (when in Eric’s office) but she just doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut. If that happened in different psychological thriller’s I’ve read in the past, they’d be dead. She was lucky. Stubborn and feisty, I like that in a female lead, and Jenna had those traits down-pat. 

Overall, and okay read though I enjoyed the very end the best (not because it was the end, but because we see The characters in a new light!) but the beginning was extremely hooking too. Not the best, lacked some major points, was a little drawn out in the middle, but it was good.

About the Author

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Christine Barfknecht has a passion or weaving the darkest bits of the human psyche into page-turning fiction. She is the author of Apple of My Eye and the upcoming The Man I Knew. She lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband, children, and pets.

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