Wednesday, 7 September 2016

~*BLOG TOUR*~ Flight Risk by Barbara Valentin

Flight Risk
An Assignment:  Romance Novel, Book 4

Barbara Valentin
Romantic Comedy / Chick Lit

When Aubrey Thomas, a phobic travel writer, must choose between jumping to what she considerers certain death from a skydiving static line or sinking even deeper into debt in the unemployment line, she scrambles to find someone—anyone!—who can help her overcome her debilitating fear of heights. 

Enter John Trelawney, a charming window washer who thinks nothing of dangling by a cable fifty stories up and claims he can cure her. Everything about John makes Aubrey nervous... including the way her heart kicks into overdrive whenever he's around. But, at the end of her rope, she takes him up on his offer. 

Can he really help her get over her fear of heights? Or will Aubrey find herself free falling...possibly even in love with him?

Buy Links:   Amazon    B&N   Smashwords    Kobo    iBooks


About our Author:
Author of the bestselling Assignment: Romance series, Barbara was named "Indie Star of 2015" by Publishers Weekly when her first book, False Start, earned a coveted starred review. A member of Romance Writers of America, she looks forward to the day when her to-do list includes "Send Oprah a thank you note" and "Accept Godiva's request to be a taste-tester."

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