~*NOW LIVE*~ Truros by Elle Boon

Turo’s Fated Mate
Iron Wolves Book 7
A LONE WOLF…Turo has searched for centuries for the one female to complete him. The Iron Wolves seemed like home to him, but after fifteen years, he’s thinking about moving on, until he finds her.
A LOVE WORTH ANYTHING…Jozlyn isn’t your average human and knew it would take a special man to accept her as she was. However, she hadn’t counted on a man like Turo.
TESTING THE BONDS…As Turo and Jozlyn’s love grows, a creature from their worst nightmares will do anything to destroy them. Will they be able to survive the coming battle, or will fate give them what they’d always craved…true love?
“A must read paranormal story” New York Times bestselling author LORA LEIGH
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Jozlyn watched in utter fascination as Turo tossed the two men around like ragdolls. She’d tried to ignore them, but they’d been insistent on buying her a drink. After her third tequila shot, she’d said screw it and let them buy her the fourth one. However, her fogged brain had rebelled at the thought of taking the lime from the one who’d placed it in his mouth. Hell, she was ready to lick the salt without the sour fruit, had started to pick the shaker up just as she’d felt a prickle of awareness dance down her spine. Turo. God, just saying his name made her panties wet and her nipples hard. How did the man do that to her without even touching her?
“Hello, Jozlyn,” he rumbled.
Yep, just like that, her ovaries did a jig. What the hell did he do? Go to school and learn how to pitch his voice to the seduction level of panty-melting or what? Maybe she was drunk enough, traumatized enough, that it was affecting her and making her act like something she wasn’t. Sure, she’d had sex. Mediocre at best with a college boyfriend. He was older, as was almost everyone she’d gone to school with. Lyric and Syn had told her having her V-card was a good thing, but they didn’t understand what it was like being the only one in her sorority with it. When she’d finally done the deed, it wasn’t like she’d read in books. She sure as shit didn’t see stars, or feel the clenching of her vagina begging for more. Nope, Joz could only lay there hoping he’d hurry and finish.
Turo snapped his fingers in her face. “Earth to Jozlyn. Come on, I’m taking you home.”
She blinked a few times, her brain fuzzy from one too many shots. “Do you know that tequila is made from blue agave and the core of the plant contains aquamiel or honey water, which is used for syrup and tequila production?”
The big tattooed man blinked down at her, a slight grin on his too gorgeous face. “Is that right?” he asked.
“Yep. And did you know the agave plant can weigh up to two hundred pounds when harvested?” she licked her lips. Focusing on his full and very kissable mouth. She wondered what it would be like to kiss him.
“Ah, Ko’u uuku hahai, you play with fire,” he mumbled.
“The Hawaiian language is so lyrical. Why do you call me your little butterfly? I’m not really that small.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “I should shut up now. When I drink I tend to spout things. Nonsensical things.”
“Like wondering what it would be like for me to kiss you?” His head bent and he brushed his lips over hers.
Words tumbled around in her fogged brain, first and foremost was the fact she clearly spoke her desire out loud. Second was the man was an expert kisser, and his lips were soft as velvet.
He chuckled against her lips. “Quit thinking and kiss me back, hahai.”
Turo lifted her to the top of the bar. The others around her disappeared, or at least in her mind, they did.
“Hey you two, get a room.” Reeves smirked at them from across the bar as he cleaned a glass and set it back on the shelf.
Jozlyn was stunned to find herself with a very aroused Turo between her thighs. “What the hell are we doing?”
Turo shook his head like he’d just come out of a daze himself. “You make me lose my mind.”
She smiled. “I can fix you. It’s my profession.” Where this playful side to her came from she had no idea, but the thought of bringing a smile to the too serious man in front of her was appealing.
He pulled her in closer to him. “You want to play doctor with me?”
Heat sizzled where they touched. “Why do I get the idea you’re not talking the same kind of doctor as me?”
The naughty look he gave made her squirm in his embrace and had him inhaling. “Fuck, you smell so damn delicious. I could lick you all damn day and still want more,” he growled just as the music stopped.
She looked around to see if anyone was watching them, only to gasp as several were indeed staring. “Oh my god, everyone is watching us.”
Turo looked over his shoulder and growled. “Would you like to say hello to my little friend?”
Jozlyn smacked his chest. “Why are you offering me to them?”
He laughed along with the bartender he’d called Reeves.
“Should I show her your little friend, Turo?” Reeves reached below the bar, pulling out the largest gun she’d ever seen outside of television.
“What the heck is that?” Her fingers lifted to touch, but then she snatched her arm back. “Is that even legal?”
Another chuckle came from the man between her legs. “You truly are a treasure.”
Her addled brain was having a hard time processing everything, which was a first for her. “I think I might be sick,” she announced, placing a palm to her stomach.
Instantly the smile was replaced with concern. Turo swept her off the bar and began moving through the throng of people.
“Don’t let him tap your bootyhole, girl. Them wolves all like bootyhole action.”
“Reeva, pipe the fuck down or I’ll have your brother woop your ass,” Turo snarled at the woman who yelled.
“What’s she talking about?” Jozlyn rested her head on Turo’s shoulder, the lurching sensation had her gulping in great big breaths of air, hoping she didn’t throw up all over him.
“Ignore her,” he said as he entered the ladies’ room. Several women scattered as he made his way into the first stall. “Out, all of you,” he ordered.
Her world spun as she was placed on her feet, but she was happy to see the toilet was clean, although her hair swung down in front of her. A second later a hand came in front of her, gathering the heavy mass and then she didn’t care what or who was there as she retched into the porcelain.
“Oh god, I’m never drinking tequila again. Ever,” she moaned after a few minutes.
Turo flushed a couple times so she didn’t have to stare at her stomachs contents, which she was eternally grateful for.
“You probably shouldn’t have drunk so much on an empty stomach. Tequila isn’t bad when you do it slowly and with something to soak it up.” He helped her stand. “You ready to wash your face?”
She placed both palms on either side of the stall, not daring to look behind her at the big man who’d held her hair while she tossed her cookies. Nope, never had she thrown up in front of anyone except her parents. Heck, she’d never even done it while out with Lyric and the girls. Now, this gorgeous hunk of a man not only had seen her, but he’d held her hair and flushed the yuck down the toilet a few times. Yeah, not the sexiest thing she’d ever done. “I’m fine now, you can go back…wherever you were going.”
He grunted, his fingers tightened in her hair. “I was coming to find you, so I’m right where I want to be.”
Chancing a look over her shoulder, she could see he was staring intently at her. “In the ladies’ room with me while I said hello to the porcelain god?”
A humor filled grin split his lips. “Well, I will admit, I hadn’t expected that, but you are still sexy as hell.”
“You’re slightly crazy. That’s my official diagnosis as a doctor,” she said covering her mouth with her hand. “I need to rinse my mouth out. I feel like I have swamp breath.”
Turo raised a brow but stepped back, his hand still holding her hair. “Come on.”
“You gonna let me go?” Her fogged brain was beginning to clear the tiniest bit.
“Do I gotta?”
His little boy lost look probably got him all kinds of things, like between any woman’s thighs he wanted. The thought had her straightening to her full height, which only brought her to his chin. “Yes,” she agreed.
He nodded, letting go but sifting his fingers through her hair slowly, the tips caught on a few snarls. “I love your hair. It’s like black silk.”
Not sure how to answer that, she went to the sink and splashed cold water on her overheated face then brought her cupped hands filled with water to her mouth, swishing the cool liquid around over and over and spit it out, repeating a couple times before she felt like her mouth was cleanish. Gah, she hated throwing up.
“Here.” Turo offered her a piece of gum.
Her hands shook a little as she took the wrapped rectangular piece of minty goodness. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“That’s what all the ladies say. Come on, let’s get out of here.” He held the door open.
“I need to check on Egypt.” She didn’t know where she was going to go. If the man chasing them was the little girl’s dad, he probably knew where she lived. She’d have to check into a hotel, but if he was smart enough to get into a secured psychiatric wing of a hospital, he could probably figure out how to track her.
“Egypt is staying with her mother at the clinic. They’ll be guarded by…the club members. You can rest assured nothing will be able to get to them. As for where you’re going,” he paused to pin her with his steady gaze. “You’re coming home with me, and before you object, think. You’ll be safe, since he won’t think to track you there, and even if he did, I’m more than prepared to deal with anyone who dares touch what’s mine.”
“But, I’m nobody to you,” she denied.
“You keep thinking that, hahai.” He guided her through the throng of people.
Author Bio
Elle Boon lives in Middle-Merica as she likes to say…with her husband, two kids, and a black lab who is more like a small pony. She’d never planned to be a writer, but when life threw her a curve, she swerved with it, since she’s athletically challenged. She’s known for saying “Bless Your Heart” and dropping lots of F-bombs, but she loves where this new journey has taken her.
She writes what she loves to read, and that is romance, whether it’s erotic, Navy SEALs, or paranormal, as long as there is a happily ever after. Her biggest hope is that after readers have read one of her stories, they fall in love with her characters as much as she did. She loves creating new worlds, and has more stories just waiting to be written. Elle believes in happily ever afters, and can guarantee you will always get one with her stories.
Connect with Elle online, she loves to hear from you:
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