Title: Queen of His Heart
Author: Suzanna Lynn
Genre: Psychological Romance/Criminal Romance
Cover Designer: Funky Book Designs
Editor: Holly the Editor
Publication Date: December 27th, 2018
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
When you play your cards, always have a Queen in your hand!
Officer Samantha Daniels has been given a dangerous mission; go undercover to get close to criminal mastermind, Dominic Murphy. However, becoming one of the king pin’s family isn’t as simple as introducing yourself with a basket of muffins.
Samantha must keep it together as she dives into her dark side, all while undergoing a terrible ignition that could take her life. However, torture can turn anyone’s mind to mush, and she discovers a whole new side of herself as she slowly gives into Dominic and his murderous tendencies.
Add a dash of insanity and a touch of Stockholm Syndrome, and you have a romance made of inner demons and blood.
It’s a sexy blood covered romance gone wrong; or maybe right.

Growing up in the Ozarks, as a child Suzanna spent her days wandering the fields and woods surrounding her home. While most children avoided the dark corners of the woods, she sought it out, imagining them to be filled with fairies, dragons and all number of creatures.
Having not lost her childhood imagination, Suzanna has written numerous poems, songs and short stories that won various awards in high school and college.
However, in 2014 she decided to stop wishing she could publish a book and made the dream a reality when she released The Bed Wife.
That first novella gave birth to two more books, completing the series, and stirred the embers of a new five-book series called The Untold Stories, which is currently in the works.
When she's not busy writing or spending time with her family, Suzanna loves to draw and paint, as well as scrapbook. She also has been known to volunteer with her children's school, the local Ladies Auxiliary veterans group and even the local zoo!
Author Links:
Website: www.suzannalynn.com
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2UdX3xb
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Suzanna+Lynn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Suzanna_Lynn
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2QDgBfk

The hot water warmed my skin, creating soft pillows of steam that rolled into the air. The bottom of the tub pooled pink as my blood washed away with the water. My blood, I thought. Not just mine. His blood. His. Ours. Our blood. That, and the blood of our victims. It was a lethal concoction that created an aphrodisiac between us.
I tore open the tiny package of complimentary soap the hotel provided. It smelled of honeysuckle and claimed to be moisturizing. I didn’t care. I just wanted to feel normal again. To wash away the acts of violence I had taken part in only hours before. I smiled as I thought of what we had accomplished. It was vile. The body count, outrageous. But I had reveled in it. In his smile; his pride as he watched me extinguish the lives of the men.
This isn’t me, I thought, battling this new version of me. Yes, it is, and you love it.
At one time I was known as Dr. Samantha Daniels. I was trained, not only as one of the best on the Bedworth Police Department, but I also had taken years of medical school, so I could pick apart the brains of the mentally insane and get to the root of the crime problem in Bedworth.
But that felt like a million years behind me. That part of my life was over.
I’d given up a life as Dr. Samantha Daniels and embraced my new persona: Haley Carver – thief – murderer – sociopath. I relished in it. And it was all so I could be at the side of my love – the notorious Dominic Murphy, aka Re Delle Carte, the King of Cards. He was the baddest of the bad, and I had become his queen.
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