Saturday 9 November 2019

~*COVER REVEAL*~ Run With It by ML Nystrom

Title: Run With It
Author: ML Nystrom
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: MacAteer Brothers #1
Release Date: February 1, 2020
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design
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Available for preorder!
The struggle is real.  Beverly spends so much of her time juggling her four kids, a dead-beat ex, and two jobs that she never has time for herself or another man in her life.

Then Connor moves in next door.

Connor is healing from a hard break from his family and is working to find his own identity.  He has no interest in joining another one.

Then he meets his neighbor.

Two people building new lives. Two people with no time or energy for love. Bev and Connor are determined to stick to their plans, but life has other ideas—now they just have to run with it.

"Run With It" is a Dragon Runners motorcycle romance spin-off., featuring Connor from "Stud."

Available for preorder!
B&N: Coming Soon

I've had stories in my head since I was a child.  All sorts of stories of fantasy, romance, mystery and anything else that captured my interest.  I'm a voracious reader, and have spent many hours in my life devouring books, therefore it's only fitting I should write a few myself!  

I've spent most of my life as a performing musician and band instrument repair technician, but that doesn't mean I'm pigeon-holed into one mold.  I've been a university professor, belly dancer, craftsperson, soap maker, singer, rock band artist, jewelry maker, lifeguard, swim coach, and whatever else I feel like exploring.  As one of my students said to me once, "Life's too short to ignore the opportunities."   I have no intention of ever stopping so welcome to my story world.  I hope you enjoy it!

 Riding the Lines Submissions

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